North Carolina
"My experience with the customer support team at Canadian Med Pharmacy has been absolutely wonderful."Arizona
"The prices are phenomenal. They have saved us thousands of dollars."Iowa
"I save about $200 every 3 months so that's about $800 a year."New Jersey
"It was so easy. Everything went very smooth."Massachusetts
"In my opinion, from all the research I did, I believe this is the best pharmacy in Canada."New Jersey
"There's a huge difference in cost of around $250-$300 per prescription."New Jersey
"For $100, I got a $3,000 anit-biotic I have been fighting for four years."Ohio
"Not only does Canada Med Pharmacy give you a nice price for your prescriptions but they have excellent customer service and will help you renew your prescriptions."South Carolina
"When you're on a fixed income, it really helps you save a lot of money."Ohio
"It has made a huge difference in purchasing medication for my mother-in-law."South Dakota
"I strongly recommend it to anybody in the United States that wants to save some money and work with some people that will help you."Ohio
"We're receiving the prescription and the drug is working as prescribed. Now, We're just sitting back enjoying the savings."Ohio
"It's been so easy to have this inhaler refilled through this pharmacy. I know that in the last three years we have saved several thousand dollars."Pennsylvania
"It's quick and easy and affordable. You never have to leave your home. It's shipped right to your door."Maine
"The people are easy to work with on the phone and really efficient. And I will continue to use them."Ohio
"There was no issue with the delivery. I feel like the quality of the medication is good. I feel safe using their products."South Dakota
"They have saved me hundreds and hundreds of dollars. They make it really easy. I know I've found somebody in Canada Med Pharmacy that I can trust."Arizona
"I would strongly recommend this to anybody. I feel very safe using it and this is our 6th year doing it and it's been a great experience every time. I'm so grateful for this program."Calfornia
"The customer service is very good. Medication shipment is reliable. I've been with them for over a year now."Calfornia
"I appreciate the individuals who have talked to me and guided me on how to place my order."Vermont
"We would recommend Canada Med Pharmacy to anyone else experiencing difficulties in getting reasonable medications."Oregon
"I have never had a problem feeling unsafe by using this service. I would definitely recommend it to other people."Idaho
"Sure enough, this was the exact same medication and it worked just as well. I don't even have to go into town to pick them up. They just show up in my mailbox - very convenient.""New Jersey
"I talked with my cardiologist about it and asked what he would recommend and he said absolutely use it because you can get it cheaper and it does the same thing."New Jersey
"Your prices are fantastic compared to what I pay at the pharmacy"